Buku ini tersusun atas 7 Bab, Bab 1 membahas dasar-dasar atau konsep dasar PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) Bab 2 membahas tentang PLC Omron seri SYSMAC atau yang dikenal dengan tipe CPM1A/CPM2A Bab 3 membahas tentang ZEN Programmable Relay secara garis besar Bab 4 menjelaskan tentang konsep-konsep pemrograman diagram tangga ditinjau dari PLC Omron Sysmac Bab 5 menjelaskan perangkat lun…
MATLAB is a commercial software and a trademark of The MathWorks, Inc. USA. It is an integrated programming system, including graphical interfaces and a large number of specialized toolboxes. MATLAB is getting increasingly popular in all fields of science and engineering. This chapter will provide some basic notions needed for the understanding of the remainder of the book. A deeper study of MA…
Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students, Fifth Edition, is the leading self-contained aircraft structures course text. It covers all fundamental subjects, including elasticity, structural analysis, airworthiness, and aeroelasticity. The author has revised and updated the text throughout and added new examples and exercises using Matlab. Additional worked examples make the text even more…
Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students, Sixth Edition, is the leading self contained aircraft structures course text. It covers all fundamental subjects, including elasticity, structural analysis, airworthiness and aeroelasticity. Now in its sixth edition, the author has expanded the book’s coverage of analysis and design of composite materials for use in aircraft, and has added new, re…
Flight mechanics is the application of Newton's laws to the study of vehicle trajectories (performance), stability, and aerodynamic control. This volume details the derivation of analytical solutions of airplane flight mechanics problems associated with flight in a vertical plane. It covers trajectory analysis, stability, and control. In addition, the volume presents algorithms for calculati…
Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students, Fifth Edition, is the leading self-contained aircraft structures course text. It covers all fundamental subjects, including elasticity, structural analysis, airworthiness, and aeroelasticity. The author has revised and updated the text throughout and added new examples and exercises using Matlab. Additional worked examples make the text even more…
Aeronautical Engineer's Data Bookis an essential handy guide containing useful up to date information regularly needed by the student or practising engineer. Covering all aspects of aircraft, both fixed wing and rotary craft, this pocket book provides quick access to useful aeronautical engineering data and sources of information for further in-depth information. Quick reference to essential d…
The first volume in a definitive series of textbooks dedicated to aircraft engineering maintenance, this book provides a crucial outline of aircraft engineering principles. It is valuable for anyone pursuing a career in aircraft maintenance engineering or a related aerospace engineering discipline, and in particular will be suitable for those studying for licensed aircraft maintenance engineer …
This important text and reference reflects the recent dramatic growth in the field of transportation engineering and serves as a comprehensive introduction to both the theoretical and practical aspects of the field. It covers the six major families of transportation systems: highway, urban mass transit, air, rail, water, and pipeline.
Buku ini berisi tentang transportasi sebagai sebuah system, ekonomi transportasi, sistem tata guna lahan / transportasi, karakteristik kendaraan dan manusia, karakteristik arus lalu lintas, desain geometris jalan raya, kapasitas jalan raya, desain dan pengendalian persimpangan
Sistem transportasi merupakan bentuk keterkaitan antara penumpang, barang, prasarana dan sarana yang interaksi dalam rangka pemindahan orang dan barang dalam suatu bentuk alami maupun rekayasa
For engineering purposes, soil is defined as the uncemented aggregate of mineral grainsand decayed organic matter (solid particles) with liquid and gas in the empty spacesbetween the solid particles. Soil is used as a construction material in various civil engi-neering projects,and it supports structural foundations. Thus,civil engineers must studythe properties of soil,such as its origin,gr…
This book is developed to serve as a concise text for a course on helicopter aerodynamics at the introductory level. It introduces to the rotary-wing aerodynamics, with applications to helicopters, and application of the relevant principles to the aerodynamic design of a helicopter rotor and its blades. The basic aim of this book is to make a complete text covering both the basic and applied as…
Air merupakan sumber kehidupan. Semua makhluk membutuhkan air. Untuk kepentingan manusia, makhluk hidup dan kepentingan lainnya, ketersediaan air dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitas mutlak diperlukan. Dalam jumlah tertentu air juga bisa mengakibatkan bencana. Jumlah air yang terlalu besar di suatu lokasi mempunyai kekuatan dahsyat dan destruktif yang hebat yang disebut banjir, longsor, ataup…
tujuan di selenggarakan seminar ini adalah sebagai sarana bagi para ilmuawan dan praktisi untuk saling bertemu berdiskusi dan mengikuti perkembag berdiskui dan mengikuti perkembangan terbari pada di siplin teknik industri
Optimal control, Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC), dan Genetic Algorithm (GA) adalah kontrol-kontrol cerdas yang telah banyak digunakan oleh para insiyur listrik untuk memperbaiki performansi sistem kelistrikan. Optimal Control dapat menekan error sampai ke derajat yang sangat rendah, FLC dapat mengontrol plant dengan struktur yang sangat sederhana dan hasil yang efektif, dan GA dapat dijamin konverge…
elektronika digital dan mikroposesor merupakan materi yang sangat penting di bidang elektronika berbagi produk elektronika canggih saat ini di kembangkan menggunakan teknologi elektronika di gital serta berjalan di bawah kendali mikroprosesor atau mikrokontoler.