Buku ini disusun untuk mengingatkan kita pada sosok alim penuh karisma itu. Seorang ayah bagi jutaan umat manusia, bukan hanya umat Islam Indonesia, tetapi juga masyarakat dunia. Seorang kiai, guru, yang dengan penuh rasa sabar mengajari, menjadi teladan, serta menyejukkan melalui tutur dan tindakan yang lembut penuh kasih sayang. Mengenang Mbah Moen adalah mengenang hari-hari indah penuh hi…
MATLAB is a commercial software and a trademark of The MathWorks, Inc. USA. It is an integrated programming system, including graphical interfaces and a large number of specialized toolboxes. MATLAB is getting increasingly popular in all fields of science and engineering. This chapter will provide some basic notions needed for the understanding of the remainder of the book. A deeper study of MA…
Salah satu teknik jitu untuk mengetahui isi pikiran orang lain ialah memahami makna di balik setiap bahasa tubuh ( gesture ). Disiplin ini bukanlah sebuah ilmu tebakan, apalagi klenik, tetapi ilmu psikologi murni yang bisa dipertanggungjawabkan keabsahannya. Maka dengan cara menguasai ilmu membaca bahasa tubuh orang, niscanya Andaakan memiliki kemampuan plus untuk membaca pikiran orang.
"With the accelerated rate of change occurring throughout the aviation industry, this edition is a timely and very effective resource for ensuring both airport professionals and those interested in airports acquire a comprehensive understanding of the changes taking place, and how they impact airports and the communities they serve. A must read." -- James M. Crites, Executive Vice President of …
Aircraft Powerplants, Seventh Edition, part of the Glencoe Aviation Technology Series (formerly the Northrop Series), is the most comprehensive up-to-date powerplant book on the market today. It has been revised to reflect the latest changes in FAR Part 147 and changing industry needs. The new edition features expanded coverage of turbine engine theory and nomenclature. It also includes additi…
Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students, Fifth Edition, is the leading self-contained aircraft structures course text. It covers all fundamental subjects, including elasticity, structural analysis, airworthiness, and aeroelasticity. The author has revised and updated the text throughout and added new examples and exercises using Matlab. Additional worked examples make the text even more…
Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Technology provides a comprehensive, easy-to-understand treatment of the background, development, and applications of the gas turbine engine it its various forms, such as turobjet, turbofan, turboprop, and turboshaft powerplants. Designed primarily as a resource for technicians preparing for the FAA aircraft powerplant mechanic certification, Aircraft Gas Turbine Eng…
Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students, Sixth Edition, is the leading self contained aircraft structures course text. It covers all fundamental subjects, including elasticity, structural analysis, airworthiness and aeroelasticity. Now in its sixth edition, the author has expanded the book’s coverage of analysis and design of composite materials for use in aircraft, and has added new, re…
"The premier textbook for learning aircraft maintenance from a management perspective. Revised and up-dated to include recent technological, certification and maintenance updates"--Provided by publisher.
A Study Guide to be used with the Helicopter Maintenance textbook containing over 1300 questions and answers.
Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Technology provides a comprehensive, easy-to-understand treatment of the background, development, and applications of the gas turbine engine it its various forms, such as turobjet, turbofan, turboprop, and turboshaft powerplants. Designed primarily as a resource for technicians preparing for the FAA aircraft powerplant mechanic certification, Aircraft Gas Turbine Eng…
A significant addition to the literature on gas turbine technology, the second edition of Gas Turbine Performance is a lengthy text covering product advances and technological developments. Including extensive figures, charts, tables and formulae, this book will interest everyone concerned with gas turbine technology, whether they are designers, marketing staff or users.
Mechanics of Flight is an ideal introduction to the basic principles of flight for students embarking on courses in aerospace engineering, student pilots, apprentices in the industry and anyone who is simply interested in aircraft and space flight. Written in a straightforward and jargon-free style, this popular classic text makes the fascinating topic of aircraft flight engaging and easy to un…
Flight mechanics is the application of Newton's laws to the study of vehicle trajectories (performance), stability, and aerodynamic control. This volume details the derivation of analytical solutions of airplane flight mechanics problems associated with flight in a vertical plane. It covers trajectory analysis, stability, and control. In addition, the volume presents algorithms for calculati…
Airplane Flight Dynamics & Automatic Flight Controls, Part II, provides exhaustive coverage of the methods for analysis and synthesis of automatic flight control systems using classical control theory. This widely used book has been updated with the latest software methods. Throughout this text, the practical (design) applications of the theory are stressed with many examples and illustrations.…
Aircraft performance is influenced significantly both byaeroelastic phenomena, arising from the interaction of elastic,inertial and aerodynamic forces, and by load variations resultingfrom flight and ground manoeuvres and gust / turbulence encounters.There is a strong link between aeroelasticity and loads, and thesetopics have become increasingly integrated in recent years. Introduction to Ai…
Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students, Fifth Edition, is the leading self-contained aircraft structures course text. It covers all fundamental subjects, including elasticity, structural analysis, airworthiness, and aeroelasticity. The author has revised and updated the text throughout and added new examples and exercises using Matlab. Additional worked examples make the text even more…